
To be or not to be a monkey… 2

Can you set your own rules and live the life that you want? These are the two questions that Chris Guillebeau, author of the online manifesto A brief guide to world domination, tackles in his book The Art of Non-Conformity. The book starts with an experiment that has caught my attention […]



Learning to un-learn 2

We learn to talk, we learn to walk, we learn to read and we learn to add, we learn to learn and we stick to it. But at which point do we learn to un-learn? And why does this hurt so much? It happens often during training courses that participants […]

Creating a Mindset for High-Performance

At the L&D Summit in Bucharest on the 28th of March I will be talking about developing a Mindset for Performance. In today’s changing world, creating high-level, sustainable performance is not always easy. Vision, mission, values, strategy, and performance measurement are meaningless if people aren’t inspired to deliver. Improving performance […]

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Quality vs. Impact in Education 1

‘Good training’ is simply not good enough, but how do you measure it? Initial reflection on this question showed that we can measure either the quality or the impact of educational activities. Because they are distinct, they lead to a different way of investing resources, depending on how relevant they […]


If intrapreneurship is the answer – what is the question? This is the line that sums up the Intrapreneurship Conference that took place Friday, the 2nd of december 2011 in the Brussels Hub. Gathering 10 speakers from different business fields, the conference aimed to explore new ways of creating and […]